Your city with ultra-high speed broadband.
Once connected, the possibilities are endless.
What would you do?
Now that you have the speed, how will you use it?
Tell us your dreams.
What connections will you make your city...and beyond?
What partners will you involve
in both the public and private sectors?
What will be the impact?
OneCommunity wants you to tell us why your city deserves grant funds for a municipality-led, community-wide fiber network construction project.
The competition will be tough, so give us your best argument. Be Creative ( Consider videos, sketches, photos...) Involve your community.
Think outside the box.
Of course, we need specifics.
Discover everything you need to qualify.
Send your letter of interest (LOI) by Midnight, Friday, October 3, 2014
To Liz Forester at:
1 Subject to the Big Gig Challenge Grant Terms and Conditions, a copy of which will be provided by OneCommunity to each Big Gig Challenge Grant LOI Applicant.
* Worth up to 25percent of total project costs (up to a total of $2,000,000) for building networks that connect community anchor institutions (CAI's), government facilities and business districts.